Edit Dungeon Leaderboards
How to edit your Dungeon leaderboards
Last updated
How to edit your Dungeon leaderboards
Last updated
The dungeon leaderboard is a list of players who have interacted with your dungeon and entered a username to record their score at the end.
Sometimes you'll want to clear that leaderboard when you're starting a contest for example. Other times you just want to delete a particular user for cheating, having an inappropriate username, etc.
This section will explain how to do both.
You've decided to clear the leaderboards associated with your dungeon. How do you do this?
Head over to Dungeon Manager dApp by visiting https://generativedungeon.com and clicking the Owners tab in the top menu. Alternatively, click the Dungeon Manage dApp at the top of this page.
Click "Connect Metamask" in the upper right
Note: you must connect with the wallet that holds the dungeon whose leaderboard you wish to clear.
If you're using a Ledger wallet, turn it on first, then click on Metamask and choose the Connect Hardware Wallet menu.
Choose the Dungeon Maintenance menu from the Owners page, and click "Claim Owned Dungeons:"
You'll be prompted to sign a message. You won't be charged any gas, and no transaction will take place.
This signature is completely safe, and is used to confirm that you are the owner of this wallet address.
Once you have signed the contract, you'll be presented with a list of dungeons that are available within the selected wallet.
Choose a dungeon, and you'll be presented with the Dungeon Maintenance screen for that dungeon.
To clear the leaderboard, click the "Clear Leaderboard" button at the top of the modal. For security reasons, you'll be prompted to sign another transaction before the clear is performed.
To delete a player, repeat the above steps until you reach the dungeon maintenance screen for you dungeon:
To delete a player, enter their username in the "Enter username" field and click "Delete Player." For security reasons, you'll be prompted to sign another transaction before the player is deleted.